Up to 10 days in advance starting at 12:00 AM ET online only. Rates posted online include the New York City assessed $4.00 advanced booking fee. All posted reservations are set at the Non-Resident riding rate for the appropriate time period. Must present appropriate identification at check in to be eligible for permit rates (Resident, Senior, Etc) Cancellations inside the 24 hour window will be assessed a cancellation fee equivalent to the full green fees including applicable booking fee.
Senior RestrictionsSenior reservations allowed at Dyker Beach Monday, Thursday & Friday before 8AM and after 11AM; Tuesday and Wednesday anytime. Seniors can receive permit rates on a walk up basis Monday through Friday anytime. Pelham/Split Rock allows access to senior rates with reservations Monday through Friday anytime.
Purchasing A MembershipResident permits can be purchased at any New York City public golf course with a photo id and proof of residency (utility bill, etc). Permits are $6.00 for adults and $2.00 for seniors and/or juniors.